Designed for optimum protection of the user against continuous exposure to loud noise, reducing its harmful effects.
H = 31dB M = 28 dB L = 21 dB SNR =30 dB
Complies with sizes: S, M and L.
It can be fitted to safety helmets Climax mod.: 5-RS y 5-RG (Modelo 5-P), Tirreno TX y TXR (Modelo 5-P Tirreno), 5-R Minero (Modelo 5-P Minero) y Curro (Modelo 5-P Curro).
EN 352-3:2002 / EN 13819-1:2002 / EN 13819-2:2002 / EN 24869-1:1992 / EN ISO 4869-3:1995